怎么写 PS/SOP, 这是个问题。

# 概述


  • CV & Resume
  • PS & SOP
  • RS

# CV & Resume

Resume 和 CV 中文翻译都是 “简历”,但两者有显著的区别。一般来说,Resume 长度较短,大多 1 至 2 页,介绍个人专业经验、教育背景和技能的关键事实,主要用于职业申请。而 CV (Curriculum Vitae) 是一个长文件,详细说明了整个职业生涯,主要用于学术界申请

# Ref

  • CMU: quick tips-Curriculum Vitae
  • CMU: Step-by-Step Resume Guide
  • Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement for Grad School, Law School, Med School
    • CMU: Writing Your Graduate School Application Essay
  • zety: CV vs Resume: Key Differences to Choose Between the Two

# PS & SOP

个人陈述 (Personal Statement, PS) 和目标陈述 (Statement of Purpose, SOP) 相关联,但有所不同。UMich, Berkley 都同时要求提交两者。下面是 UMich 的一个解释:

  • Personal Statement (PS): The Personal Statement is an essay about how an applicant’s background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, and educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated the decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan. For example, if an applicant grew up in a community where educational, cultural, or other opportunities were either especially plentiful or especially lacking, they might discuss the impact this had on their development and interests. This should be a discussion of the journey that has led to the decision to seek a graduate degree.
  • Statement of Purpose (SOP): The Statement of Purpose should be a concise, well-written statement about an applicant’s academic and research background, career goals, and how this graduate program will help meet career and educational objectives.

简单来说,PS 倾向于描述申请人个人的状况,以及申请人申请该项目的原因,而 SOP 倾向于表达申请人将来的规划。

# PS

一篇好的 PS 应该包括以下部分:

  • 一个吸引人的开头 (an attention-grabbing start): PS 的开头应该足够吸引读者的注意。可以通过引用或一些有趣的个人经历实现。
  • 学术背景 (academic background): 包括学术成果,重要的课程大作业,已经获得的奖项等。
  • 研究兴趣 (research interests): 研究兴趣是什么,是如何形成的。
  • 将你的研究兴趣和申请项目联系起来 (connect your interests)

# References

  • 一亩三分地:申请文书 -- 小白求助:SOP 和 PS 有什么区别呢???
  • 一亩三分地:申请文书 --【PS/SOP 区别】深度剖析 PS 和 SOP 差异
  • WhiteSmoke: How to Write a Personal Statement

# RS

# 写作目的

一般的研究陈述 (Research Statement, RS) 的目的包括:

  • 阐述长短期研究目标
  • 展示你可以进行独立研究,而且是项目的最佳人选
  • 展示写作能力
  • 展示获取资助的能力 *

但作为本科生的 RS, 其要求可能不需要那么高。其主要需要包括:

  • 研究方向
  • 学术背景
  • 目标和计划


# 写作要求

# 风格

关于 RS 的写作风格要求,需要满足以下几点:

  • 避免行话 / 名词党。采用领域外的人也可以理解的朴实语言来写。
  • 清楚、简洁
  • 具体

# Reference

  • Cornell University: Research Statement
  • CMU: Writing A Research Statement
  • UW: Research Statements
  • Medical College of Wisconsin: Research Statement Template


  • Economical Post-Doctor, Harvard
  • Computer Graphics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition, New York University
  • (https://www.examples.com/business/research-statement.html) 一些 Example, 但挺多没用。